
A new birth in God's name

I am begining this blog with the intention of learning what it means to become a new man/woman in the name of God. I was reciently awoken by the voice of the God of Aberham, Isacc, and Jacob. He spoke through the mouths of many, but his words were clear and strong. The lord of all the earth looked into my heart and cracked the coarse exterior telling me that I needed to wake up and live the life that he layed out for me. Through the mouths of my closest friend, the mouth of my long time role model and pastor, through the mouths of some new friends, and even through my own mouth at times. But above all, the spirit of my lord spoke directly to me telling me that I had to give up the life of homosexuality that I have grown so accustom to over the past 19 years. I believed that there was nothing that could change the life I lived, but as it turns out God doesnt follow our orders, we are called to meet his commands. And all though I have a long long ways to go on the path that will eventually free me from the bondage that I have been enslaved by for so long, I know that I will learn, grow, and become closer to my rescuer and savior because of it.
I would like to thank a few individuals and also ask for there support in this change of my life, and I would also like to ask that I continue to stay in the prayers of all that have been there for me. First off, Jeff who never gave up even when I demanded that he should, next, Scott because with out someone to run to who could look past my flaws and care about only who I was destined to be I couldnt have succeded, then, my mom, who I am sure has been praying since the night that I spoke those heart breaking words to her, and last, to John Prarie and Lou, who even though they barely know me, they took me in and showed me not only that people who dont know you can care just as much as those who do, but also that I can trust in others as well as God.
I especially want to thank John who could see into my heart, that was crying to be heard, and was willing to answer that cry with a loving prayer, and a new friendship that I am sure will deliever me into an era of prosperity. John, I believe that you are my Moses, you have, and will continue to deliever me from the bondage that I have suffered. Thank you,


At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know i always have and always will love you...gay, straight, sideways, backwards, right side up, upside down.... i'm here if you wanna talk about all this...i can't say "i know i know how hoe you feel" but i can say "i'm here for you always"...anyway...you have my number.
much love,

At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i can't spell..and no..i did not call you a hoe..haha

At 1:30 PM, Blogger scott said...

I love ya man and I am excited to live that adventure with you. I look forward to the journey that we both can share together - as I encourage and help you and as you do the same for me as we passionately and radically live our lives for Jesus.


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