
How long do I wait?

Lately I have been put in some interesting positions with my faith, and I really feel like it is being tested, because I have been led to trust that God is going to allow me to make it through the situations of financial need, and I have been almost too glad to do so, and lately I have been feeling some of those situations crumbling around me. I honestly need a lot of money, and I dont know how I am going to get it. I sat in my old room, in the house I grew up in, today and just cried. Wept and sobbed because I have no idea how I am going to make things come together money wise these next couple of weeks. I honestly am falling apart because I need so much money and there is no way for me to make enough at starbucks right now to even put a dent in cataclysmic amount that I need. I fell to pieces after trying to piece things together the best that I knew how, and still coming up short. I am really frustrated because I know that if I can just make it over this hump, I will be able to at least handel the bills that I have, it is just this time right now that is ravaging my heart and mind so badly. What really burns my cookies to is the fact that I got myself into a situation depending on what God would provide, and what he would guide me to, and now I really feel like I wasnt putting forth enough effort to be independant of his help. It all just doesnt make any sense to me. I believe that God will provide for me, and I try to follow that belief, and I still manage to screw things up with my bad habits. So be praying for me guys, I know I can make it, I just dont know how.


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